Swadge 2024 2.0.0
APIs to develop games for the Magfest Swadge
No Matches
Emulator User Manual

This document describes how to use the Swadge Emulator as a standalone application. For development environment setup instructions, see Configuring a Development Environment instead.


To install the emulator, go to the project's releases page and download the appropriate SwadgeEmulator-<os-type>.zip for your operating system. Windows, Linux, and Mac (both Intel and ARM) are supported. Then, follow the instructions for your platform below.


The Windows version of the emulator does not require any other software to operate. Simply extract the .zip file anywhere you like and double-click on swadge_emulator.exe. The first time you open the application, you may be warned about running applications from the internet and will need to click "Run" to continue. You might also be prompted by the Windows firewall when starting certain Swadge modes. This is only required if you wish to run two emulators at the same time using the simulated ESPNOW wireless connection.


The Linux version of the emulator does not require any other software to operate. Simply extract the .zip file anywhere you like and run the swadge_emulator program, either by opening it from your file browser or by running ./swadge_emulator from the command-line. The Linux emulator includes a script, install.sh, which can be run to install the Swadge Emulator as a desktop application, which will allow you to open the emulator directly from many desktop environments, and to asssociate the emulator with MIDI files using the "Open with..." option in your file browser. If you do not want these features, there is no need to run the script. You will need to run this script again if you download a new version of the emulator. By default, the installation script will install to ~/.local, but you can specify an alternate installation root such as /usr/local by passing it as an argument to the install.sh script:

./install.sh /usr/local


  1. Install XQuartz: https://www.xquartz.org/
  2. Run the "XQuartz" application. It won't open a window, but it should appear as running in the dock.
  3. Right-click or control-click the "SwadgeEmulator" application, and select "Open".
  4. The first time you open the application, you will be warned about malicious software. This is because this application is not signed, and you will need to click "Open" to continue. The "Open" option will only appear if SwadgeEmulator is opened with right-click (or control-click) and Open, and not when double-clicking.
  5. The Swadge Emulator window should open to the main menu.

Key Bindings

Key Action Description
W Up Up on the Swadge D-Pad
A Left Left on the Swadge D-Pad
S Down Down on the Swadge D-Pad
D Right Right on the Swadge D-Pad
L A The Swadge's A Button
K B The Swadge's B Button
I Menu The Swadge's Menu Button, for Quick Settings and Exit Mode
O Pause The Swadge's Pause Button
1 Touchpad Up The top of the touchpad
2 Touchpad Left The left side of the touchpad
3 Touchpad Right The right side of the touchpad
4 Touchpad Down The bottom of the touchpad
Escape Exit* Exits the emulator, only when in fullscreen
F4, ` Toggle Console Opens or closes the emulator console
F5 Toggle FPS Shows or hides the FPS counter
F9 Step Frame When paused, steps forward a single frame
F10 Pause Emulator Pauses or unpauses the emulator
F11 Screen Record Starts or stops recording the screen to a GIF file
F12 Screeshot Saves a screenshot to a PNG file

Command-line Arguments

The emulator supports a variety of command-line arguments that can enable extra functionality or modify the normal behavior of the emulator. A full list of these arguments can always be found by starting the Swadge Emulator using the --help or -h arguments. At the time of writing, here is the current list of possible arguments:

Usage: swadge_emulator [OPTION...]
Emulates a swadge
--fake-fps=RATE Set a fake framerate. RATE can be a decimal number
--fake-time Use a fake timer that ticks at a constant
-f, --fullscreen Open in fullscreen mode
--fuzz Enable fuzzing mode, which injects random input in order to test modes
--fuzz-buttons[=y|n] Set whether buttons are fuzzed
--fuzz-touch[=y|n] Set whether touchpad inputs are fuzzed
--fuzz-time[=y|n] Set whether frame durations are fuzzed
--fuzz-motion[=y|n] Set whether motion inputs are fuzzed
--headless Runs the emulator without a window.
--hide-leds Don't draw simulated LEDs next to the display
-k, --keymap=LAYOUT Use an alternative keymap. LAYOUT can be azerty, colemak, or dvorak
-l, --lock Lock the emulator in the start mode
--midi-file=FILE Open and immediately play a MIDI file
-m, --mode=MODE Start the emulator in the swadge mode MODE instead of the main menu
--mode-switch[=TIME] Enable or set the timer to switch modes automatically
--modes-list Print out a list of all possible values for MODE
-p, --playback=FILE Play back recorded emulator inputs from a file
-r, --record[=FILE] Record emulator inputs to a file
-s, --seed=SEED Seed the random number generator with a specific value
-c, --show-fps[=OPTION] Display an FPS counter
-t, --touch Simulate touch sensor readings with a virtual touchpad
--vsync[=y|n] Set whether VSync is enabled
-h, --help Give this help list
--usage Give a short usage message

There are quite a few which may be overwhelming, but most of them are grouped into a few basic categories.

Display Arguments

These options affect how the Swadge Emulator is displayed, either by adding or hiding panes in the window, or by drawing additional information on top of the screen.

--fullscreen: As the name suggests, this argument opens the emulator in fullscreen mode. When in fullscreen, the Escape key can be used to exit the emulator.

--hide-leds: Hides the two emulated LED panes which appear on either side of the emulator window.

--show-fps: Displays an FPS counter below the emulator screen.

--touch: Displays a simulated tocuhpad below the emulator screen. Clicking on this touchpad will generate touch events that will be read by any swadge mode that uses the touchpad.

--vsync: Controls whether VSync is enabled. When VSync is enabled (the default behavior), the Swadge Emulator's frame rate will be capped at the monitor's refresh rate. If disabled with --vsync no, the emulator will run as fast as possible. Note that this may not be supported by all platforms.

Recording and Playing Inputs

These options allow inputs to the emulator to be recorded and played back later. This can be useful when repeatedly performing the same actions during debugging, for sharing with others, or just for convenience.

--record: Record the inputs to the swadge emulator in a recording file. If no name is given, a default recording filename will be generated in the form rec-<timestamp>.csv. While recording, all button presses and touchpad inputs will be written to the recording file, in addition to:

  • The original random number generator seed (on playback, this is equivalent to passing --seed).
  • A screenshot event, whenever a screenshot is taken. Note that the filename is not included, so that the original screenshot is not overwritten on playback.

--playback: Play back inputs from a recording file, the name of which must be given as an argument. While inputs are being played back, the emulator will still also accept input directly.

A recording file is a CSV (comma-separated value) file with three columns: Time, Type, and Value.

  • Time: The timestamp of the action, in microseconds from the time the emulator was started
  • Type: The type of the recorded action. Types and their meanings are described in the table below.
  • Value: A value, if any, whose meaning depends on the entry type.
Type Value Meaning Description
BtnDown Button name (below) A button press event. See below for valid Value options
BtnUp Button name (below) A button release event. See below for valid Value options
TouchPhi Touch location Angle The angle of a touchpad press, from 0 to 359
TouchR Touch location Radius The radius of a touchpad press, from 0 to 1024
TouchI Touch intensity The intensity of a touchpad press, from 0 to 300000
AccelX Accelerometer X force The acceleration on the X-axis, from -512 to 512
AccelY Accelerometer Y force The acceleration on the Y-axis, from -512 to 512
AccelZ Accelerometer Z force The acceleration on the Z-axis, from -512 to 512
Fuzz - Start fuzzing the emulator
Quit - Exit the emulator immediately
Screenshot Screenshot filename Take a screenshot, using a default filename if none is given
SetMode Mode name Switch swadge modes to the named mode
Seed Seed value Set the PRNG seed. This should be the first entry in a file
RecordingStart Recording filename Start recording the screen to a GIF, using a default filename if none is given
RecordingStop - Stop recording the screen

Note that the Fuzz, Quit, and SetMode entries are never created during recording, and are instead intended to be inserted manually if desired.

Button Values



These options are for the "fuzzing" functionality, which can help find bugs in modes by generating random inputs. This includes random

--fuzz: Enables fuzzing mode. The default fuzzing behavior is to fuzz button presses, touchpad inputs, and accelerometer motion, but these can individually be enabled with --fuzz-* arguments. Fuzzing the length of time between each frame is also supported, but is not enabled by default.

--fuzz-buttons: Enable or disable fuzzing of buttons presses only.

--fuzz-touch: Enable or disable fuzzing of touchpad inputs only.

--fuzz-time: Enable the fuzzing of frame times, which will simulate a random amount of time elapsing after every frame.

--fuzz-motion: Enable or disable fuzzing of accelometer motion only.

--mode-switch: Automatically switch to a random swadge mode after the specified number of seconds has passed, repeatedly. For example, swadge_emulator --mode-switch 5 would switch to a random mode every 5 seconds. If no value is given, modes will be switched every 10 seconds.


These options are mainly useful for testing functionality or otherwise automating the emulator.

--mode: Starts the emulator directly in a specific Swadge Mode, rather than the introduction mode or the main menu. For example, swadge_emulator --mode Credits will open the credits mode after starting. You do not need to specify the full name of the mode – if the mode argument matches the beginning of any mode's name, that mode will be used. For example, swadge_emulator --mode Co will open Colorchord, but swadge_emulator --mode Cr will open Credits. If the name is ambiguous, the first matching mode in the list will be used; use --modes for the list and its order.

--modes: Lists all known swadge modes that can be started using the --mode argument.

--headless: Starts this emulator without a visible window. The emulator will still run and render its graphics to an internal display, but there will be no way to directly interact with the emulator.

--fake-fps: Simulate a lower framerate without actually changing the speed at which the emulator runs. For example, passing --fake-fps 1 will cause each frame to have a duration of second from the perspective of a swadge mode. Because the number of actual frames per second doesn't change, this means that 60 seconds (one simulated second per actual frame) will appear to pass every second.

--fake-time: Use a simulated timer that ticks at a constant rate every frame. If used with --fake-fps, the fake frame rate and fake time will be aligned. This argument can be useful when recording or replaying inputs to ensure that slight differences in frame timing do not cause inconsistencies.

--lock: Locks the swadge mode to the starting mode. This prevents all normal means of changing swadge modes. The mode can still be changed automatically by --mode-switch, the console, and by a ‘SetMode’ command when replaying recorded inputs.

--midi-file: Loads and plays a local MIDI or KAR file using the MIDI Player mode.

--seed: Sets a specific seed to the pseudorandom number generator. This is useful when trying to reproduce behavior that relies on esp_random(). If the seed is not set, a time-based one will be used. Note that a seed from one system will not necessarily produce the same output if it is used on a different system.


--keymap: Specify an alternative keyboard layout to use for mapping emulator inputs. Possible options are azerty, dvorak, or colemak.


Stuck in Factory Test Mode

If the emulator opens to the factory test mode instead of either the main menu or the tutorial mode, this is because it is unable to write to the nvs.json file in the current directory.

Simulated ESPNOW Networking

The Swadge Emulator is capable of simulating the wireless ESPNOW connection between two swadges. This functionality is enabled automatically by simply running two swadge emulator programs at the same time. For best results, you should start each Swadge Emulator from a different directory, to avoid potential corruption caused by two instances attempting to save data to the same nvs.json file at the same time.

Note: This functionality only supports local connections between two Swadge Emulators running on the same machine. Networking between Swadge Emulators running on different machines is not supported at this time.

MIDI Instructions

MIDI Files (.mid, .midi, and .kar) can be played in directly by passing the name of the MIDI file as a command-line argument to the Swadge Emulator. On Windows, you should also be able to drag a MIDI file on top of SwadgeEmulator.exe to play it. On Linux, you should be able to open MIDI files with the emulator using your file browser's "Open with..." option after running the included install script.

The Swadge Emulator includes MIDI support, which simulates the USB-MIDI behavior of the real Swadge using the system MIDI implementation. Note that MIDI implementation and behavior will vary between platforms.

  1. From the main menu, navigate down to "Music" and press the A button (L key)
  2. In the Music menu, navigate down to "MIDI Player" and press the A button again
  3. You should see the message "Ready!" at the top of the screen. This means the Swadge Emulator is now listening for MIDI messages. It will connect to the first available MIDI source it detects, or the first one that becomes available. You may need to restart the emulator after connecting a new device.
  4. Press the Pause button (O key) to open or close the menu.

For details on the Swadge's MIDI support you can use for composing, see the MIDI Specifications page.