Here is a list of all functions with links to the files they belong to:
- r -
- readAllNvsEntryInfos() : hdw-nvs.h, hdw-nvs.c
- readAllSettings() : settingsManager.h, settingsManager.c
- readBattmon() : hdw-battmon.c, hdw-battmon.h
- readNamespaceNvs32() : hdw-nvs.c, hdw-nvs.h
- readNamespaceNvsBlob() : hdw-nvs.c, hdw-nvs.h
- readNamespaceNvsEntryInfos() : hdw-nvs.c, hdw-nvs.h
- readNvs32() : hdw-nvs.c, hdw-nvs.h
- readNvsBlob() : hdw-nvs.h, hdw-nvs.c
- readNvsStats() : hdw-nvs.c, hdw-nvs.h
- readTemperatureSensor() : hdw-temperature.c, hdw-temperature.h
- recolorMenuManiaRenderer() : menuManiaRenderer.c, menuManiaRenderer.h
- rectLineFlIntersection() : geometryFl.c, geometryFl.h
- rectLineIntersection() : geometry.c, geometry.h
- rectRectFlIntersection() : geometryFl.c, geometryFl.h
- rectRectIntersection() : geometry.c, geometry.h
- removeEntry() : linked_list.c, linked_list.h
- removeIdx() : linked_list.c, linked_list.h
- removeMultiItemFromMenu() : menu.c, menu.h
- removeSettingsItemFromMenu() : menu.c, menu.h
- removeSettingsOptionsItemFromMenu() : menu.c, menu.h
- removeSingleItemFromMenu() : menu.c, menu.h
- resetMidiParser() : midiFileParser.h, midiFileParser.c
- RGBtoPalette() : color_utils.c, color_utils.h
- rmt_new_led_strip_encoder() : led_strip_encoder.c, led_strip_encoder.h
- rotatePixel() : wsg.c, wsg.h
- rotateVec2d() : vector2d.c, vector2d.h
- rotateVecFl2d() : vectorFl2d.c, vectorFl2d.h
- rsqrtf() : hdw-imu.c, quaternions.h, quaternions.c