Swadge 2024 2.0.0
APIs to develop games for the Magfest Swadge
No Matches
Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
 C_menu_tThe underlying data for a menu. This fundamentally is a list of menuItem_t
 C_p2pInfoAll the state variables required for a P2P session with another Swadge
 C_p2pInfo.ackVariables used for acknowledging and retrying messages
 C_p2pInfo.cncConnection state variables
 C_p2pInfo.tmrThe timers used for connection and ACKing
 CbuttonEvt_tA button event containing the button that triggered the event, whether it was pressed or released, and the whole button state
 Ccircle_tSigned integer representation of a circle
 CcircleFl_tSigned integer representation of a circle
 CdialogDrawInfo_tHolds information about how and where to draw the dialog box and its main components
 Cenvelope_tDescribes the characteristics of a particular timbre while
 CespNowPacket_tA packet received over ESP-NOW
 Cfont_ch_tA character used in a font_t. Each character is a bitmap with the same height as the other characters in the font
 Cfont_tA font is a collection of font_ch_t for all ASCII characters. Each character has the same height and variable width
 ChashBucketA single element of the hash map array, holding either one value or a list of values
 ChashIterator_tStruct used for iterating through a hash map efficiently
 ChashIterStateThe internal state of a hash map iterator
 ChashMap_tA hash map for storing key-value pairs
 ChashNode_tA single key-value pair in the hash map
 Cled_strip_encoder_config_tType of led strip encoder configuration
 Cled_tLED colors, with red, green, and blue components
 Cline_tSigned integer representation of a line segment
 ClineFl_tSigned integer representation of a line segment
 Clist_tA doubly linked list with pointers to the first and last nodes
 CmenuItem_tThe underlying data for an item in a menu. The item may be a single-select, multi-select, or submenu item
 CmenuManiaRenderer_tA struct containing all the state data to render a mania-style menu and LEDs
 CmidiChannel_tTracks the state of a single MIDI channel
 CmidiEvent_tContains information for an entire MIDI event or non-MIDI meta-event
 CmidiFile_tContains information which applies to the entire MIDI file
 CmidiMetaEvent_tContains information for a non-MIDI meta-event from a MIDI file
 CmidiMetaEvent_t.__unnamed1__.keySignatureContains key signature data, when type is KEY_SIGNATURE
 CmidiMetaEvent_t.__unnamed1__.startTimeContains the start time of this track, when type is SMPTE_OFFSET
 CmidiPlayer_tTracks the state of the entire MIDI apparatus
 CmidiStatusEvent_tData for a normal MIDI status event
 CmidiSysexEvent_tContains information for a MIDI System Exclusive event
 CmidiTimbre_tDefines the sound characteristics of a particular instrument
 CmidiTimbre_t.__unnamed7__.sample.__unnamed13__The frequency of the base sample to be used when pitch shifting
 CmidiTimeSignature_tData for a MIDI time signature definition
 CmidiTrack_tContains basic information pointing to a MIDI track within its file data
 CmidiTrackStateContains all track-specific parsing state
 CmidiVoice_tTracks the state of a single voice, playing a single note
 CnodeA node in a doubly linked list with pointers to the previous and next values (which may be NULL), and a void* to arbritray data
 CoptionDrawInfo_tHolds information about how and where to draw a dialog box option
 CoscAccum_tAn accumulator used to increment through a wave. A value is accumulated in a 32-bit integer and bits 16->23 are used as an index into a 256 point wave
 Cp2pCommonHeader_tThe byte format for a common header for all P2P packets
 Cp2pConMsg_tThe byte format for a connection message for a P2P session
 Cp2pDataMsg_tThe byte format for a P2P data packet
 Cp2pPacket_tAll the information for a packet to store between the receive callback and the task it's actually processed in
 Crectangle_tSigned integer representation of a rectangle
 CrectangleFl_tSigned integer representation of a rectangle
 Crmt_led_strip_encoder_tAn encoder to use the RMT peripheral to drive RGB LEDs
 Csetting_tA setting. The parameters are const, but the value is not
 CsettingParam_tImmutable data for a setting, including minimum, maximum, and default values, and the NVS key
 CswadgeMode_tA struct of all the function pointers necessary for a swadge mode. If a mode does not need a particular function, for example it doesn't do audio handling, it is safe to set the pointer to NULL. It just won't be called
 CsynthOscillator_tA software oscillator with controllable frequency, amplitude, and shape
 CtextEntry_tStruct to store all state for a text entry
 CTU_ATTR_PACKEDHID Switch Gamepad Protocol Report
 Cvec_q24_8A 2D vector with q24_8 numbers
 Cvec_tA 2D vector with signed integer X and Y components
 CvecFl_tA 2D vector with signed integer X and Y components
 CvoiceStates_tHolds several bitfields that track the state of each voice for fast access. This may be used for dynamic voice allocation, and to minimize the impact of note stealing if we run out of voices
 CwheelMenuRenderer_tRenderer for a menu wheel
 Cwsg_tA sprite using paletteColor_t colors that can be drawn to the display