Here is a list of all functions, variables, defines, enums, and typedefs with links to the files they belong to:
- d -
- D_FREQ : ccconfig.h
- DAC_BUF_SIZE : hdw-dac.h
- DAC_SAMPLE_RATE_HZ : hdw-dac.h
- dacPoll() : hdw-dac.c, hdw-dac.h
- dacStart() : hdw-dac.c, hdw-dac.h
- dacStop() : hdw-dac.c, hdw-dac.h
- DEBOUNCE_HIST_LEN : hdw-btn.c
- DECL_SETTING() : settingsManager.c
- decLedBrightnessSetting() : settingsManager.c, settingsManager.h
- decMicGainSetting() : settingsManager.c, settingsManager.h
- decodeState_t : hdw-esp-now.c
- DEFAULT_FRAME_RATE_US : swadge2024.h
- defaultDrumkitFunc() : drums.c, drums.h
- defaultDrumkitTimbre : midiData.h, midiData.c
- deInitAccelerometer() : hdw-imu.c, hdw-imu.h
- deinitBattmon() : hdw-battmon.c, hdw-battmon.h
- deinitButtons() : hdw-btn.c, hdw-btn.h
- deinitCnfs() : cnfs.c, cnfs.h
- deinitDac() : hdw-dac.c, hdw-dac.h
- deinitDialogBox() : dialogBox.c, dialogBox.h
- deinitEspNow() : hdw-esp-now.c, hdw-esp-now.h
- deinitGlobalMidiPlayer() : midiPlayer.c, midiPlayer.h
- deinitLeds() : hdw-led.c, hdw-led.h
- deinitMenu() : menu.c, menu.h
- deinitMenuManiaRenderer() : menuManiaRenderer.c, menuManiaRenderer.h
- deinitMic() : hdw-mic.c, hdw-mic.h
- deinitMidiParser() : midiFileParser.h, midiFileParser.c
- deinitNvs() : hdw-nvs.c, hdw-nvs.h
- deinitSystem() : swadge2024.c, swadge2024.h
- deinitTemperatureSensor() : hdw-temperature.c, hdw-temperature.h
- deinitTFT() : hdw-tft.c, hdw-tft.h
- deinitUsb() : hdw-usb.c, hdw-usb.h
- deinitWheelMenu() : wheel_menu.c, wheel_menu.h
- DELAY1 : hdw-imu.c
- DELAY2 : hdw-imu.c
- DFT_IIR : DFT32.h
- DIALOG_AUTO : dialogBox.h
- DIALOG_CENTER : dialogBox.h
- DIALOG_ICON_MARGIN : dialogBox.c
- DIALOG_MARGIN : dialogBox.c
- DIALOG_PADDING : dialogBox.c
- dialogBoxAddOption() : dialogBox.c, dialogBox.h
- dialogBoxButton() : dialogBox.c, dialogBox.h
- dialogBoxCbFn_t : dialogBox.h
- dialogBoxReset() : dialogBox.h, dialogBox.c
- dialogOptionHint_t : dialogBox.h
- disableTFTBacklight() : hdw-tft.c, hdw-tft.h
- DIV_FX : fp_math.h
- divVec2d() : vector2d.c, vector2d.h
- divVecFl2d() : vectorFl2d.c, vectorFl2d.h
- DMA_DESCRIPTORS : hdw-dac.c
- donutDrumkitFunc() : drums.c, drums.h
- donutDrumkitTimbre : midiData.c, midiData.h
- dotVec2d() : vector2d.c, vector2d.h
- dotVecFl2d() : vectorFl2d.c, vectorFl2d.h
- DRAW_FPS_COUNTER : macros.h
- drawChar() : font.c, font.h
- drawCharBounds() : font.c, font.h
- drawCircle() : shapes.c, shapes.h
- drawCircleFilled() : shapes.h, shapes.c
- drawCircleFilledQuadrants() : shapes.c, shapes.h
- drawCircleFilledScaled() : shapes.c, shapes.h
- drawCircleOutline() : shapes.c, shapes.h
- drawCircleQuadrants() : shapes.c, shapes.h
- drawCircleScaled() : shapes.c, shapes.h
- drawCubicBezier() : shapes.c, shapes.h
- drawCubicBezierScaled() : shapes.c, shapes.h
- drawCubicBezierSeg() : shapes.c, shapes.h
- drawCubicSpline() : shapes.c, shapes.h
- drawDialogBox() : dialogBox.c, dialogBox.h
- drawDisplayTft() : hdw-tft.c, hdw-tft.h
- drawEllipse() : shapes.c, shapes.h
- drawEllipseRect() : shapes.c, shapes.h
- drawEllipseRectScaled() : shapes.c, shapes.h
- drawEllipseScaled() : shapes.c, shapes.h
- drawLine() : shapes.c, shapes.h
- drawLineFast() : shapes.c, shapes.h
- drawLineScaled() : shapes.c, shapes.h
- drawMenuMania() : menuManiaRenderer.c, menuManiaRenderer.h
- drawQuadBezier() : shapes.c, shapes.h
- drawQuadBezierScaled() : shapes.c, shapes.h
- drawQuadBezierSeg() : shapes.c, shapes.h
- drawQuadBezierSegScaled() : shapes.c, shapes.h
- drawQuadRationalBezier() : shapes.c, shapes.h
- drawQuadRationalBezierSeg() : shapes.c, shapes.h
- drawQuadSpline() : shapes.c, shapes.h
- drawRect() : shapes.c, shapes.h
- drawRectFilled() : shapes.c, shapes.h
- drawRectScaled() : shapes.c, shapes.h
- drawRotatedEllipse() : shapes.c, shapes.h
- drawRotatedEllipseRect() : shapes.c, shapes.h
- drawRoundedRect() : shapes.c, shapes.h
- drawText() : font.c, font.h
- drawTextBounds() : font.c, font.h
- drawTextEllipsize() : font.c, font.h
- drawTextEntry() : touchTextEntry.c, touchTextEntry.h
- drawTextMarquee() : font.c, font.h
- drawTextMulticolored() : font.c, font.h
- drawTextWordWrap() : font.c, font.h
- drawTextWordWrapFixed() : font.c, font.h
- drawTriangleOutlined() : shapes.c, shapes.h
- drawWheelMenu() : wheel_menu.c, wheel_menu.h
- drawWsg() : wsg.c, wsg.h
- drawWsgPalette() : wsgPalette.c, wsgPalette.h
- drawWsgPaletteSimple() : wsgPalette.c, wsgPalette.h
- drawWsgPaletteSimpleHalf() : wsgPalette.c, wsgPalette.h
- drawWsgPaletteSimpleScaled() : wsgPalette.c, wsgPalette.h
- drawWsgSimple() : wsg.c, wsg.h
- drawWsgSimpleHalf() : wsg.c, wsg.h
- drawWsgSimpleScaled() : wsg.c, wsg.h
- drawWsgTile() : wsg.c, wsg.h
- DROP_SHADOW_OFFSET : menuManiaRenderer.c
- DSCL_IHIGH : static_i2c.h
- DSCL_INPUT : hdw-imu.c
- DSCL_OUTPUT : hdw-imu.c
- DSDA_IHIGH : static_i2c.h
- DSDA_INPUT : hdw-imu.c
- DSDA_OUTPUT : hdw-imu.c