Swadge 2024 2.0.0
APIs to develop games for the Magfest Swadge
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hashMap.h File Reference

Detailed Description

A generic map for storing arbitrary key-value pairs.

Dylan Whichard

Design Philosophy

This is a generic hash map data structure, which supports the basic put, get, and remove operations, as well as iteration. By default, keys are assumed to be nul-terminated strings, but any type can be used if alternate hash and equality functions are supplied. The hash map will automatically resize itself once it becomes about 75% full, but setting a sufficiently large initial capacity will improve efficiency overall.

Keys inserted into the map must remain valid for the duration they are in the map, as the map maintains a reference rather than copying them. This also means that modifying the key itself after it has been inserted into the map will cause it to become inaccessible, so using immutable data as pointers is also recommended. To change the key of an entry in the map, remove it and add it with the new key instead.

Basic operations against the hash map have O(1) time in the average case, with O(n) time in the worst case. Hash collisions are handled by storing multiple items within the same bucket in a linked list. Resizing is O(k), where k is the number of buckets in the hash map, and should occur once in every k put operations.

Iteration over the map is O(k) best case, O(k+n) worst case, and O(k) average case, as we do not know ahead of time which buckets or keys are in use. This could theoretically be improved to O(n) worst case if keys were also kept in a separate array, but this would be a marginal improvement with a lot of added complexity.


It's important to note that, even though the hash map is a reasonably efficient data structure, its main use case is really for convenience. Due to the added overhead of the hashing operation and traversal of the relatively complex hash map structure, in most cases its real-world performance will be worse than a simple linear search through an array, up to a surprisingly large number of items. With that said, this is unlikely to be a real concern in almost all situations. So unless a massive number of hash map operations is actually causing performance issues, it's best to avoid premature optimization and instead just use whatever is the most convenient and results in the simplest code.


hashInit() allocates a new hash map for use with string keys.

hashPut() adds a new entry to the map or updates the value of an existing one.

hashGet() retrieves a value from the map.

hashRemove() removes an entry from the map by its key.

hashDeinit() deallocates a hash map and all its entries.

hashIterate() can be used to loop over a hash map's entries.

hashIterReset() is used to reset an iterator if iteration stopped before hashIterate() returned false.

hashIterRemove() can be used to safely remove entries during iteration.

hashPutBin(), hashGetBin(), and hashRemoveBin() are variants of the normal hash map functions which accept a void pointer in the key argument, rather than a char pointer. You must provide hash and equality functions to hashInitBin() in order to safely use keys which are not nul-terminated strings.

hashString() and strEq() are the default hash and comparison functions respectively, and will be used when the hash map is initialized with hashInit().

hashInt() and intsEq() are alternative hash and comparison functions that operate directly on a pointer address without dereferencing it. They can also be used when the key is any int or enum type that is not wider than a void* .

hashBytes(), and bytesEq() are helper functions useful when implementing custom hash and comparison functions, particularly when the key is a struct pointer, with fields or data that must be included in the hash. Default implementations can't be supplied for a struct, since their length is not known to the hash map and the user implementer may wish to exclude some fields from the comparison or traverse nested values.


Create a hash map, add and retrieve some values:

// Declare a hash map
// Initialize it with an initial capacity of 16
hashInit(&map, 16);
hashPut(&map, "greeting", "Hello");
hashPut(&map, "name", "King Donut");
// Prints 'Hello! Your name is King Donut!'
printf("%s! Your name is %s!\n", (const char*)hashGet(&map, "greeting"), (const char*)hashGet(&map, "name"));
// Update the value associated with the key 'name'
hashPut(&map, "name", (const char*)"Swadgeman");
// Now prints 'Hello! Your name is Swadgeman!'
printf("%s! Your name is %s!\n", (const char*)hashGet(&map, "greeting"), (const char*)hashGet(&map, "name"));
hashPut(&map, "greeting", "Goodbye");
// Prints 'Goodbye, Swadgeman.'
printf("%s, %s.", (const char*)hashGet(&map, "greeting"), (const char*)hashGet(&map, "name"));
// Clean up the hash map
void hashDeinit(hashMap_t *map)
Deinitialize and free all memory associated with the given hash map.
Definition hashMap.c:722
void * hashGet(hashMap_t *map, const char *key)
Return the value in the hash map associated with the given string key.
Definition hashMap.c:570
void hashPut(hashMap_t *map, const char *key, void *value)
Create or update a key-value pair in the hash map with a string key.
Definition hashMap.c:558
void hashInit(hashMap_t *map, int initialSize)
Initialize a hash map for string keys.
Definition hashMap.c:692
A hash map for storing key-value pairs.
Definition hashMap.h:414


Iterate over items in the map:

hashMap_t map = {0};
hashInit(&map, 16);
hashPut(&map, "title", "HashMap");
hashPut(&map, "description", "A cool new data structure");
hashPut(&map, "filename", "hashMap.h");
hashPut(&map, "directory", "utils");
hashPut(&map, "somethingElse", "donut");
hashPut(&map, "tag-0", "data-structure");
hashPut(&map, "tag-1", "map");
hashPut(&map, "tag-2", "dictionary");
// Initialize the iterator with 0
hashIterator_t iter = {0};
while (hashIterate(&map, &iter))
printf("%s: %s\n", (const char*)iter.key, (const char*)iter.value);
// No need to use hashIterReset() here as the loop finished normally
bool hashIterate(const hashMap_t *map, hashIterator_t *iterator)
Advance the given iterator to the next item, or return false if there is no next item.
Definition hashMap.c:847
void * value
The value of the current key-value pair.
Definition hashMap.h:404
const void * key
The key of the current key-value pair.
Definition hashMap.h:402
Struct used for iterating through a hash map efficiently.
Definition hashMap.h:400

Remove items while iterating:

while (hashIterate(&map, &iter))
// Remove any items with a key starting with "tag-"
if (!strncmp(iter.key, "tag-", 4))
printf("Removing tag %s\n", iter.value);
if (!hashIterRemove(&map, &iter))
// The item removed was the last one! Iteration must be stopped
// Still no need to use hashIterReset(), as it will be handled
// automatically by either hashIterate() or hashIterRemove()
bool hashIterRemove(hashMap_t *map, hashIterator_t *iter)
Remove the last item returned by the iterator from the hash map.
Definition hashMap.c:902

Breaking iteration early:

// Find and print any tag, then stop
while (hashIterate(&map, &iter))
if (!strncmp(iter.key, "tag-", 4))
printf("Found a tag: %s\n", iter.key);
// This time, hashIterReset() is necessary!
// We might not have reached the end of iteration, so the iterator might not have reset automatically
// If we did happen to reach the end anyway, resetting it again won't hurt anything
void hashIterReset(hashIterator_t *iterator)
Reset the given iterator struct, freeing any memory associated with it.
Definition hashMap.c:948

Non-string Keys

The hash map also supports using structs or even primitives as key types, instead of strings. This can be done using hashInitBin() to supply custom hashing and comparison functions appropriate for the type of key being used.

Enum and Integer keys

This example shows how to use a hash map where the keys are enum values. This method will work with any numeric type, as long as sizeof(type) is less than or equal to sizeof(void*) – that is, as long as its value fits inside a pointer. In practice this means an int32_t can be used as a key in a hash map in this way, but an int64_t cannot.

#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "swadge2024.h"
#include "hashMap.h"
// Just a simple struct to hold a WSG and its rotation for the values
typedef struct
int16_t rot;
wsg_t wsg;
} wsgRot_t;
hashmap_t map = {0};
wsgRot_t* wsgs = NULL;
void setupButtonIconMap(void)
hashInitBin(&map, 16, hashInt, intEq);
wsgs = calloc(8, sizeof(wsgRot_t));
wsgRot_t* wsg = wsgs;
// Load up a bunch of WSGs
loadWsg("button_up.wsg", &wsg->wsg, false);
hashPutBin(&map, (const void*)PB_UP, (void*)wsg++);
loadWsg("button_up.wsg", &wsg->wsg, false);
wsg->rot = 180;
hashPutBin(&map, (const void*)PB_DOWN, (void*)wsg++);
loadWsg("button_up.wsg", &wsg->wsg, false);
wsg->rot = 90;
hashPutBin(&map, (const void*)PB_LEFT, (void*)wsg++);
loadWsg("button_up.wsg", &wsg->wsg, false);
wsg->rot = 270;
hashPutBin(&map, (const void*)PB_RIGHT, (void*)wsg++);
loadWsg("button_a.wsg", &wsg->wsg, false);
hashPutBin(&map, (const void*)PB_A, (void*)wsg++);
loadWsg("button_b.wsg", &wsg->wsg, false);
hashPutBin(&map, (const void*)PB_B, (void*)wsg++);
loadWsg("button_menu.wsg", &wsg->wsg, false);
hashPutBin(&map, (const void*)PB_MENU, (void*)wsg++);
loadWsg("button_pause.wsg", &wsg->wsg, false);
hashPutBin(&map, (const void*)PB_PAUSE, (void*)wsg++);
void runButtonIconMap(void)
// Use the WSGs
buttonEvt_t evt = {0};
if (evt.down)
wsgRot_t* draw = (wsgRot_t*)hashGetBin(&map, (const void*)evt.button);
drawWsg(&draw->wsg, (TFT_WIDTH - draw->w) / 2, (TFT_HEIGHT - draw->h) / 2, false, false, draw->rot);
void cleanupButtonIconMap(void)
// Clean up the WSGs using the hash map
hashIterator_t iter = {0};
while (hashIterate(&map, &iter))
wsgRot_t* value = (wsgRot_t*)iter.value;
// Unset the pixels so the arrow icon isn't freed twice
value->wsg.px = NULL;
// Clean up the hash map and WSG struct
// Clean up the values
bool loadWsg(const char *name, wsg_t *wsg, bool spiRam)
Load a WSG from ROM to RAM. WSGs placed in the assets_image folder before compilation will be automat...
Definition fs_wsg.c:34
void freeWsg(wsg_t *wsg)
Free the memory for a loaded WSG.
Definition fs_wsg.c:167
void hashInitBin(hashMap_t *map, int initialSize, hashFunction_t hashFunc, eqFunction_t eqFunc)
Initialize a hash map for non-string keys, using the given functions for hashing and comparison.
Definition hashMap.c:709
void hashPutBin(hashMap_t *map, const void *key, void *value)
Create or update a key-value pair in the hash map with a non-string key.
Definition hashMap.c:594
uint32_t hashInt(const void *intKey)
Convert a pointer address or integral value to a hash value.
Definition hashMap.c:525
void * hashGetBin(hashMap_t *map, const void *key)
Return the value in the hash map associated with the given key.
Definition hashMap.c:636
A generic map for storing arbitrary key-value pairs.
buttonBit_t button
The button that caused this event.
Definition hdw-btn.h:119
The up button's bit.
Definition hdw-btn.h:102
The down button's bit.
Definition hdw-btn.h:103
@ PB_B
The B button's bit.
Definition hdw-btn.h:107
The left button's bit.
Definition hdw-btn.h:104
The right button's bit.
Definition hdw-btn.h:105
@ PB_A
The A button's bit.
Definition hdw-btn.h:106
bool down
True if the button was pressed, false if it was released.
Definition hdw-btn.h:120
A button event containing the button that triggered the event, whether it was pressed or released,...
Definition hdw-btn.h:117
bool checkButtonQueueWrapper(buttonEvt_t *evt)
Service the queue of button events that caused interrupts This only returns a single event,...
Definition swadge2024.c:740
void drawWsg(const wsg_t *wsg, int16_t xOff, int16_t yOff, bool flipLR, bool flipUD, int16_t rotateDeg)
Draw a WSG to the display.
Definition wsg.c:105
A sprite using paletteColor_t colors that can be drawn to the display.
Definition wsg.h:57

Struct keys

This example shows how to use an entire structure as a key for the hash map, using the hashBytes() and bytesEq() helper functions.

#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "swadge2024.h"
#include "hashMap.h"
// A struct to use for the key
typedef struct
int32_t x, y;
} keyStruct_t;
uint32_t hashStruct(const void* data)
// Helper function provided with hash map
return hashBytes((const uint8_t*)data, sizeof(keyStruct_t));
bool structEq(const void* a, const void* b)
// Another hash map helper function
return bytesEq((const uint8_t*)a, sizeof(keyStruct_t), (const uint8_t*)b, sizeof(keyStruct_t));
hashMap_t map = {0};
keyStruct_t keys[5] = {0};
void setupStructKeyExample(void)
hashInitBin(&map, 10, hashStruct, structEq);
keys[0].x = 10;
keys[0].y = 16;
keys[1].x = 5;
keys[1].y = 5;
keys[2].x = 7;
keys[2].y = 12;
keys[3].x = 1;
keys[3].y = 3;
keys[4].x = 16;
keys[4].y = 4;
hashPutBin(&map, (const void*)&keys[0], (void*)"Star");
hashPutBin(&map, (const void*)&keys[1], (void*)"Square");
hashPutBin(&map, (const void*)&keys[2], (void*)"Circle");
hashPutBin(&map, (const void*)&keys[3], (void*)"Diamond");
hashPutBin(&map, (const void*)&keys[4], (void*)"Triangle");
void runStructKeyExample(void)
static int x = 0;
static int y = 0;
if (evt.down)
if (evt.button == PB_UP)
else if (evt.button == PB_DOWN)
else if (evt.button == PB_LEFT)
else if (evt.button == PB_RIGHT)
else if (evt.button == PB_A)
keyStruct_t key;
key.x = x;
key.y = y;
const char* found = (const char*)hashGetBin(&map, (const void*)&key);
if (found)
printf("Found a %s at %d, %d!\n", found, x, y);
printf("Didn't find anything at %d, %d :(\n", x, y);
void cleanupStructKeyExample()
uint32_t hashBytes(const uint8_t *bytes, size_t length)
Convert an arbitrary byte sequence to a hash value.
Definition hashMap.c:489
bool bytesEq(const uint8_t *a, size_t aLength, const uint8_t *b, size_t bLength)
Compare two byte arrays.
Definition hashMap.c:512

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  hashIterator_t
 Struct used for iterating through a hash map efficiently. More...
struct  hashMap_t
 A hash map for storing key-value pairs. More...


typedef uint32_t(* hashFunction_t) (const void *data)
 A function that takes a pointer to key data and returns its hash value.
typedef bool(* eqFunction_t) (const void *a, const void *b)
 A function that takes two pointers to keys and returns true if the values they point to are equal.
typedef struct hashBucket hashBucket_t
typedef struct hashIterState hashIterState_t


uint32_t hashString (const void *str)
 Convert a NULL-terminated string to a hash value.
bool strEq (const void *a, const void *b)
 Compare two NUL-terminated strings.
uint32_t hashBytes (const uint8_t *bytes, size_t length)
 Convert an arbitrary byte sequence to a hash value.
bool bytesEq (const uint8_t *a, size_t aLength, const uint8_t *b, size_t bLength)
 Compare two byte arrays.
uint32_t hashInt (const void *intKey)
 Convert a pointer address or integral value to a hash value.
bool intsEq (const void *keyA, const void *keyB)
 Compare two void pointers based on their address, or two integer types cast to a void pointer.
void hashPut (hashMap_t *map, const char *key, void *value)
 Create or update a key-value pair in the hash map with a string key.
void * hashGet (hashMap_t *map, const char *key)
 Return the value in the hash map associated with the given string key.
void * hashRemove (hashMap_t *map, const char *key)
 Remove the value with a given string key from the hash map.
void hashPutBin (hashMap_t *map, const void *key, void *value)
 Create or update a key-value pair in the hash map with a non-string key.
void * hashGetBin (hashMap_t *map, const void *key)
 Return the value in the hash map associated with the given key.
void * hashRemoveBin (hashMap_t *map, const void *key)
 Remove the value with a given non-string key from the hash map.
void hashInit (hashMap_t *map, int initialSize)
 Initialize a hash map for string keys.
void hashInitBin (hashMap_t *map, int initialSize, hashFunction_t hashFunc, eqFunction_t eqFunc)
 Initialize a hash map for non-string keys, using the given functions for hashing and comparison.
void hashDeinit (hashMap_t *map)
 Deinitialize and free all memory associated with the given hash map.
bool hashIterate (const hashMap_t *map, hashIterator_t *iterator)
 Advance the given iterator to the next item, or return false if there is no next item.
bool hashIterRemove (hashMap_t *map, hashIterator_t *iter)
 Remove the last item returned by the iterator from the hash map.
void hashIterReset (hashIterator_t *iterator)
 Reset the given iterator struct, freeing any memory associated with it.
void hashReport (const hashMap_t *map)
 Prints out a detailed report on the hash map state.

Data Structure Documentation

◆ hashIterator_t

struct hashIterator_t
Data Fields
const void * key The key of the current key-value pair.
void * value The value of the current key-value pair.
hashIterState_t * _state

◆ hashMap_t

struct hashMap_t
Data Fields
int size The total number of allocated buckets in the hash map.
int count The actual number of items stored in the hash map.
hashBucket_t * values The array of bucket values.
hashFunction_t hashFunc The key hash function to use, or NULL to use hashString()
eqFunction_t eqFunc The key equality function to use, or NULL to use strEq()

Typedef Documentation

◆ hashFunction_t

typedef uint32_t(* hashFunction_t) (const void *data)

A function that takes a pointer to key data and returns its hash value.

dataThe data to hash
An int32_t representing the hash of this data

◆ eqFunction_t

typedef bool(* eqFunction_t) (const void *a, const void *b)

A function that takes two pointers to keys and returns true if the values they point to are equal.

◆ hashBucket_t

typedef struct hashBucket hashBucket_t

◆ hashIterState_t

Function Documentation

◆ hashString()

uint32_t hashString ( const void * str)

Convert a NULL-terminated string to a hash value.

Uses the 'djb2' algorithm, described at http://www.cse.yorku.ca/~oz/hash.html

strThe string to hash
uint32_t The hash value

◆ strEq()

bool strEq ( const void * a,
const void * b )

Compare two NUL-terminated strings.

aThe first string to compare
bThe second string to compare
true when the two strings are equal or the same pointer
false when the two strings differ

◆ hashBytes()

uint32_t hashBytes ( const uint8_t * bytes,
size_t length )

Convert an arbitrary byte sequence to a hash value.

Uses the 'djb2' algorithm, described at http://www.cse.yorku.ca/~oz/hash.html

bytesA pointer to a byte array to hash
lengthThe length of the byte array
uint32_t The hash value

◆ bytesEq()

bool bytesEq ( const uint8_t * a,
size_t aLength,
const uint8_t * b,
size_t bLength )

Compare two byte arrays.

aA pointer to the first byte array
aLengthThe length of the first byte array
bA pointer to the second byte array
bLengthThe length of the second byte array
true when the byte arrays are equal or the same pointer
false when the byte arrays differ

◆ hashInt()

uint32_t hashInt ( const void * intKey)

Convert a pointer address or integral value to a hash value.

The pointer is not dereferenced.

intKeyA void pointer whose address will be hashed, or any integral type cast to a void pointer
uint32_t The hash value

◆ intsEq()

bool intsEq ( const void * keyA,
const void * keyB )

Compare two void pointers based on their address, or two integer types cast to a void pointer.

The pointers are not dereferenced.

keyAThe first pointer value
keyBThe second pointer value
true If both pointers are the same value
false If the pointers are differ

◆ hashPut()

void hashPut ( hashMap_t * map,
const char * key,
void * value )

Create or update a key-value pair in the hash map with a string key.

A reference to the key will be stored in the map until the entry is removed
mapThe hash map to update
keyThe string key to associate the value with
valueThe value to add to the map

◆ hashGet()

void * hashGet ( hashMap_t * map,
const char * key )

Return the value in the hash map associated with the given string key.

mapThe hash map to search
keyThe string key to retrieve the value for
void* A pointer to the mapped value, or NULL if it was not found

◆ hashRemove()

void * hashRemove ( hashMap_t * map,
const char * key )

Remove the value with a given string key from the hash map.

mapThe hash map to remove from
keyThe string key to remove the value for
void* The item that was removed, or NULL if no item was found for the given key

◆ hashPutBin()

void hashPutBin ( hashMap_t * map,
const void * key,
void * value )

Create or update a key-value pair in the hash map with a non-string key.

mapThe hash map to update
keyThe key to associate the value with
valueThe value to add to the map

◆ hashGetBin()

void * hashGetBin ( hashMap_t * map,
const void * key )

Return the value in the hash map associated with the given key.

mapThe hash map to search
keyThe key to retrieve the value for
void* A pointer to the mapped value, or NULL if it was not found

◆ hashRemoveBin()

void * hashRemoveBin ( hashMap_t * map,
const void * key )

Remove the value with a given non-string key from the hash map.

mapThe hash map to remove from
keyThe non-string key to remove the value for
void* The item that was removed, or NULL if no item was found for the given key

◆ hashInit()

void hashInit ( hashMap_t * map,
int initialSize )

Initialize a hash map for string keys.

mapA pointer to a hashMap_t struct to be initialized
initialSizeThe initial size of the hash map

◆ hashInitBin()

void hashInitBin ( hashMap_t * map,
int initialSize,
hashFunction_t hashFunc,
eqFunction_t eqFunc )

Initialize a hash map for non-string keys, using the given functions for hashing and comparison.

mapA pointer to a hashMap_t struct to be initialized
initialSizeThe initial size of the hash map
hashFuncThe hash function to use for the key datatype
eqFuncThe comparison function to use for the key datatype

◆ hashDeinit()

void hashDeinit ( hashMap_t * map)

Deinitialize and free all memory associated with the given hash map.

mapThe map to deinitialize

◆ hashIterate()

bool hashIterate ( const hashMap_t * map,
hashIterator_t * iterator )

Advance the given iterator to the next item, or return false if there is no next item.

The iterator should point to a zero-initialized struct at the start of iteration. Once iteration completes and this function returns false, iterator will be reset. If iteration is stopped before this function returns false, the iterator must be reset with hashIterReset() to prevent memory leaks.

Items in the hash map are not returned in any particular order.

It is possible to remove items during iteration, but this must be done with hashIterRemove(). Using hashRemove() or hashRemoveBin() during iteration is not allowed and will cause undefined behavior.

Adding or udpating items during iteration is permitted, with the caveat that a new item inserted during iteration may or may not later be returned by the iterator.

[in]mapThe map to iterate over
[in,out]iteratorA pointer to a hashIterator_t struct
true if the iterator returned an item
false if iteration is complete and no item was returned

◆ hashIterRemove()

bool hashIterRemove ( hashMap_t * map,
hashIterator_t * iter )

Remove the last item returned by the iterator from the hash map.

This function does not need to search and so it always runs in constant time.

If you want to remove an item from the hash map while iterating over it, this function is the only safe way to do it.

If this function returns false, iteration is complete.
mapThe hash map to remove the item from
iterThe iterator whose current item to remove from the hash map
true if there are still items remaining in the iterator
false if there are no more items remaining in the iterator

◆ hashIterReset()

void hashIterReset ( hashIterator_t * iterator)

Reset the given iterator struct, freeing any memory associated with it.

iteratorA pointer to the iterator struct to be reset

◆ hashReport()

void hashReport ( const hashMap_t * map)

Prints out a detailed report on the hash map state.

This can be useful when testing to determine the effectiveness of a hash function.

mapThe hash map to print the state of