Go to the source code of this file.
#define | CLAMP(a, l, u) ((a) < l ? l : ((a) > u ? u : (a))) |
| Clamp a number between an upper and lower bound.
#define | MIN(a, b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b)) |
| Find the smaller of two numbers.
#define | MAX(a, b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b)) |
| Find the larger of two numbers.
#define | ABS(a) (((a) < (0)) ? -(a) : (a)) |
| Find the absolute value of a number.
#define | IS_ARRAY(arr) ((void*)&(arr) == &(arr)[0]) |
| Return the number of elements in a fixed length array. This does not work for pointers.
#define | STATIC_EXP(e) (0 * sizeof(struct { int ARRAY_SIZE_FAILED : (2 * (e)-1); })) |
| Helper macro to determine the number of elements in an array. Should not be used directly.
#define | ARRAY_SIZE(arr) (sizeof(arr) / sizeof((arr)[0]) + STATIC_EXP(IS_ARRAY(arr))) |
#define | POS_MODULO_ADD(a, b, d) ((a + (b % d) + d) % d) |
| Returns (a + b) % d, but with negative values converted to equivalent positive values. The resulting value will always be in the range [0, d), assuming d > 0.
#define | RUN_TIMER_EVERY(timer, period, elapsed, timer_code) |
| Run timer_code every period, using tracking it with timer.
#define | NUM_FRAME_TIMES 60 |
#define | DRAW_FPS_COUNTER(font) |
#define CLAMP |
( |
| a, |
| l, |
| u ) ((a) < l ? l : ((a) > u ? u : (a))) |
Clamp a number between an upper and lower bound.
- Parameters
a | A number to clamp between an upper and lower bound |
l | The lower bound, inclusive |
u | The upper bound, inclusive |
- Returns
- The clamped number
#define MIN |
( |
| a, |
| b ) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b)) |
Find the smaller of two numbers.
- Parameters
a | A number to compare |
b | Another number to compare |
- Returns
- The smaller of the two numbers
#define MAX |
( |
| a, |
| b ) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b)) |
Find the larger of two numbers.
- Parameters
a | A number to compare |
b | Another number to compare |
- Returns
- The larger of the two numbers
#define ABS |
( |
| a | ) |
(((a) < (0)) ? -(a) : (a)) |
Find the absolute value of a number.
- Parameters
a | A number to find the absolute value of |
- Returns
- The absolute value fo the number
#define IS_ARRAY |
( |
| arr | ) |
((void*)&(arr) == &(arr)[0]) |
Return the number of elements in a fixed length array. This does not work for pointers.
See https://stackoverflow.com/a/19455169
- Parameters
arr | An array to find the number of elements in |
- Returns
- The the number of elements in an array (not the byte size!) Helper macro to determine the number of elements in an array. Should not be used directly
#define STATIC_EXP |
( |
| e | ) |
(0 * sizeof(struct { int ARRAY_SIZE_FAILED : (2 * (e)-1); })) |
Helper macro to determine the number of elements in an array. Should not be used directly.
#define POS_MODULO_ADD |
( |
| a, |
| b, |
| d ) ((a + (b % d) + d) % d) |
Returns (a + b) % d, but with negative values converted to equivalent positive values. The resulting value will always be in the range [0, d), assuming d > 0.
The first modulo, (b % d) will return e.g. -90 for (-270 % 360)
- Parameters
a | One number to sum |
b | Another number to sum |
d | The number to mod the sum by |
- Returns
- (a + b) % d
( |
| timer, |
| period, |
| elapsed, |
| timer_code ) |
Value: do \
{ \
timer += (elapsed); \
while (timer > (period)) \
{ \
timer -= (period); \
{ \
timer_code \
} \
} \
} while (0)
Run timer_code every period, using tracking it with timer.
- Parameters
timer | The accumulator variable, must persist between calls |
period | The period at which timer_code should be run |
elapsed | The time elapsed since this was last called |
timer_code | The code to execute every period |
#define NUM_FRAME_TIMES 60 |
( |
| font | ) |
Value: do \
{ \
static uint32_t frameTimesIdx = 0; \
uint32_t tElapsed = frameTimes[frameTimesIdx] - frameTimes[startIdx]; \
if (0 != tElapsed) \
{ \
char tmp[16]; \
snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp) - 1, "%" PRIu32, fps); \
fillDisplayArea(34, 1, 51, 3 + font.height,
c000); \
c555, tmp, 35, 2); \
} \
frameTimes[frameTimesIdx] = esp_timer_get_time(); \
} while (0)
Definition macros.h:103
@ c555
r = 5, g = 5, b = 5
Definition palette.h:239
@ c000
r = 0, g = 0, b = 0
Definition palette.h:24