Swadge 2024 2.0.0
APIs to develop games for the Magfest Swadge
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menuManiaRenderer.h File Reference

Detailed Description

Design Philosophy

A menu renderer takes the data in the menu_t data structure and renders it to the display. The menu data structure is separated from the rendering logic so that it is possible to draw menus with differing themes.


First a menu_t data structure must be created. For that usage, see menu.h.

The menu renderer is initialized with initMenuManiaRenderer() and deinitialized with deinitMenuManiaRenderer(). Menu renderers must be deinitialized or they will leak memory. When initializing the menu, fonts may be passed in as an argument, or the arguments may be NULL. If the Swadge mode is loading fonts for itself, you can save RAM by using the same font in the menu renderer. If the Swadge mode isn't using the same fonts, it's easier to have the menu renderer manage it's own fonts. Either way, you should avoid loading the same font multiple times.

The menu is drawn with drawMenuMania(). This will both draw over the entire display and light LEDs. The menu may be drawn on top of later.


See menu.h for examples on how to use menuManiaRenderer

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  maniaRing_t
struct  menuManiaRenderer_t
 A struct containing all the state data to render a mania-style menu and LEDs. More...


#define Y_SECTION_MARGIN   14
#define TITLE_BG_HEIGHT   40
 The height of the title section, from the top of the TFT to the bottom of the title block.
 The height of the body section, from the bottom of the title block to the bottom of the TFT.


menuManiaRenderer_tinitMenuManiaRenderer (font_t *titleFont, font_t *titleFontOutline, font_t *menuFont)
 Initialize a and return a menu renderer.
void deinitMenuManiaRenderer (menuManiaRenderer_t *renderer)
 Deinitialize a menu renderer and free associated memory. This will not free the font passed into initMenuManiaRenderer()
void drawMenuMania (menu_t *menu, menuManiaRenderer_t *renderer, int64_t elapsedUs)
 Draw a themed menu to the display and control the LEDs.
void setManiaLedsOn (menuManiaRenderer_t *renderer, bool ledsOn)
 Set the renderer's LEDs to be on or off.
void recolorMenuManiaRenderer (menuManiaRenderer_t *renderer, paletteColor_t titleBgColor, paletteColor_t titleTextColor, paletteColor_t textOutlineColor, paletteColor_t bgColor, paletteColor_t outerRingColor, paletteColor_t innerRingColor, paletteColor_t rowColor, paletteColor_t rowTextColor, const paletteColor_t *shadowColors, int32_t shadowColorsLen, led_t baseLedColor)
 Recolor a menu renderer.

Data Structure Documentation

◆ maniaRing_t

struct maniaRing_t
Data Fields
int16_t orbitAngle Angle for the orbit circles.
int32_t orbitTimer Timer to rotate the orbit circles.
int32_t orbitUsPerDegree Number of microseconds to wait before rotating by one degree.
int32_t orbitDirection The direction to rotate, +1 or -1.
int16_t diameterAngle Angle to grow and shrink the orbit circles.
int32_t diameterTimer Timer to grow and shrink the orbit circles.
paletteColor_t color The color of this ring.

◆ menuManiaRenderer_t

struct menuManiaRenderer_t
Data Fields
font_t * titleFont The font to render the title with.
font_t * titleFontOutline The font to render the title outline with.
font_t * menuFont The font to render the menu with.
bool titleFontAllocated

true if this font was allocated by the renderer and should be freed by deinitMenuManiaRenderer()

bool titleFontOutlineAllocated

true if this font was allocated by the renderer and should be freed by deinitMenuManiaRenderer()

bool menuFontAllocated

true if this font was allocated by the renderer and should be freed by deinitMenuManiaRenderer()

led_t leds[CONFIG_NUM_LEDS] An array with the RGB LED state to be output.
wsg_t batt[4] Images for the battery levels.
maniaRing_t rings[2]
int32_t ledDecayTimer Timer to decay LEDs.
int32_t ledExciteTimer Timer to excite LEDs.
int16_t currentLed The current LED being excited.
bool ledsOn true to use the LEDs, false to keep them off
menuItem_t * selectedItem Reference to the selected item to tell when it changes.
int16_t selectedShadowIdx The index to the color offset for the selected drop shadow.
int32_t selectedShadowTimer The timer to change the color for the selected drop shadow.
int16_t selectedBounceIdx The index to the bounce offset for the selected item.
int32_t selectedBounceTimer The timer to bounce the offset for the selected item.
int32_t selectedValue The option index or setting value to tell when it changes.
int32_t selectedMarqueeTimer The timer for marquee-ing the selected item text, if too long to fit.
paletteColor_t titleBgColor The color of the title background.
paletteColor_t titleTextColor The color of the title text.
paletteColor_t textOutlineColor The color of the title text outline.
paletteColor_t bgColor The color of the screen background.
paletteColor_t outerRingColor The color of the outer rotating ring.
paletteColor_t innerRingColor The color of the inner rotating ring.
paletteColor_t rowColor The color of the row background.
paletteColor_t rowTextColor The color of the row text.
const paletteColor_t * shadowColors The colors cycled through as the selected shadow.
int32_t shadowColorsLen The number of selected shadow colors to cycle through.
led_t baseLedColor The base color of the LED rotation.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define Y_SECTION_MARGIN   14


#define TITLE_BG_HEIGHT   40



The height of the title section, from the top of the TFT to the bottom of the title block.



The height of the body section, from the bottom of the title block to the bottom of the TFT.

Function Documentation

◆ initMenuManiaRenderer()

menuManiaRenderer_t * initMenuManiaRenderer ( font_t * titleFont,
font_t * titleFontOutline,
font_t * menuFont )

Initialize a and return a menu renderer.

titleFontThe font used to draw the title, preferably "righteous_150.font". If this is NULL it will be allocated by the renderer in SPIRAM.
titleFontOutlineThe outline font used to draw the title. If this is NULL it will be allocated by the renderer in SPIRAM.
menuFontThe font used to draw this menu, preferably "rodin_eb.font". If this is NULL it will be allocated by the renderer in SPIRAM.
A pointer to the menu renderer. This memory is allocated and must be freed with deinitMenuManiaRenderer() when done

◆ deinitMenuManiaRenderer()

void deinitMenuManiaRenderer ( menuManiaRenderer_t * renderer)

Deinitialize a menu renderer and free associated memory. This will not free the font passed into initMenuManiaRenderer()

rendererThe renderer to deinitialize. It must not be used after deinitialization.

◆ drawMenuMania()

void drawMenuMania ( menu_t * menu,
menuManiaRenderer_t * renderer,
int64_t elapsedUs )

Draw a themed menu to the display and control the LEDs.

menuThe menu to draw
rendererThe renderer to draw with
elapsedUsThe time elapsed since this function was last called, for LED animation

◆ setManiaLedsOn()

void setManiaLedsOn ( menuManiaRenderer_t * renderer,
bool ledsOn )

Set the renderer's LEDs to be on or off.

rendererThe renderer to set
ledsOntrue to animate the LEDs, false to keep them off

◆ recolorMenuManiaRenderer()

void recolorMenuManiaRenderer ( menuManiaRenderer_t * renderer,
paletteColor_t titleBgColor,
paletteColor_t titleTextColor,
paletteColor_t textOutlineColor,
paletteColor_t bgColor,
paletteColor_t outerRingColor,
paletteColor_t innerRingColor,
paletteColor_t rowColor,
paletteColor_t rowTextColor,
const paletteColor_t * shadowColors,
int32_t shadowColorsLen,
led_t baseLedColor )

Recolor a menu renderer.

rendererThe menu renderer to recolor
titleBgColorThe color of the title background
titleTextColorThe color of the title text
textOutlineColorThe color of the title text outline
bgColorThe color of the screen background
outerRingColorThe color of the outer rotating ring
innerRingColorThe color of the inner rotating ring
rowColorThe color of the row background
rowTextColorThe color of the row text
shadowColorsThe colors cycled through as the selected shadow
shadowColorsLenThe number of selected shadow colors to cycle through
baseLedColorThe color of the LED illumination