Swadge 2024 2.0.0
APIs to develop games for the Magfest Swadge
No Matches
geometryFl.c File Reference


bool circleCircleFlIntersection (circleFl_t circle1, circleFl_t circle2, vecFl_t *collisionPoint, vecFl_t *collisionVec)
 Check if two circles intersect.
bool circlePointFlIntersection (circleFl_t circle, vecFl_t point, vecFl_t *collisionVec)
 Check if a point and a circle intersect.
bool rectRectFlIntersection (rectangleFl_t rect1, rectangleFl_t rect2, vecFl_t *collisionVec)
 Check if two rectangles intersect.
bool circleRectFlIntersection (circleFl_t circle, rectangleFl_t rect, vecFl_t *collisionVec)
 Check if a circle and a rectangle intersect.
bool circleLineFlIntersection (circleFl_t circle, lineFl_t line, bool checkEnds, vecFl_t *cpOnLine, vecFl_t *collisionVec)
 Check if a circle and a line intersect.
int16_t circleLineFlIntersectionPoints (circleFl_t circle, lineFl_t line, vecFl_t *intersection_1, vecFl_t *intersection_2)
 Find the points of intersection between a circle's circumference and a line. There may be zero (no intersection), one (tangent), or two points of intersection.
bool lineLineFlIntersection (lineFl_t a, lineFl_t b)
 Check if two lines intersect.
vecFl_t infLineIntersectionPoint (lineFl_t a, lineFl_t b)
 Find the intersection point between two infinitely long lines.
bool rectLineFlIntersection (rectangleFl_t rect, lineFl_t line, vecFl_t *collisionVec)
 Check if a line intersects with a rectangle.

Function Documentation

◆ circleCircleFlIntersection()

bool circleCircleFlIntersection ( circleFl_t circle1,
circleFl_t circle2,
vecFl_t * collisionPoint,
vecFl_t * collisionVec )

Check if two circles intersect.

circle1[IN] One circle to check for intersection, assumed to be moving
circle2[IN] The other circle to check for intersection, assumed to be fixed
collisionPoint[OUT] The point at which the two circles collide, on the circumference of circle2. May be NULL
collisionVec[OUT] A vector pointing from the second circle to the first in the direction of the collision. May be NULL.
true if the circles intersect or touch, false if they do not

◆ circlePointFlIntersection()

bool circlePointFlIntersection ( circleFl_t circle,
vecFl_t point,
vecFl_t * collisionVec )

Check if a point and a circle intersect.

circle[IN] A circle to check for intersection
point[IN] A point to check for intersection
collisionVec[OUT] A vector pointing from the point to the circle in the direction of the collision. May be NULL.
true if the point intersects or touches the circle, false if it doesn't

◆ rectRectFlIntersection()

bool rectRectFlIntersection ( rectangleFl_t rect1,
rectangleFl_t rect2,
vecFl_t * collisionVec )

Check if two rectangles intersect.

Adapted from https://www.jeffreythompson.org/collision-detection/rect-rect.php

rect1[IN] One rectangle to check for intersection
rect2[IN] The other rectangle to check for intersection
collisionVec[OUT] A vector pointing from the second rectangle to the first in the direction of the collision. May be NULL.
true if the rectangles intersect or touch, false if they do not

◆ circleRectFlIntersection()

bool circleRectFlIntersection ( circleFl_t circle,
rectangleFl_t rect,
vecFl_t * collisionVec )

Check if a circle and a rectangle intersect.

Adapted from https://www.jeffreythompson.org/collision-detection/circle-rect.php

circle[IN] The circle to check for intersection
rect[IN] The rectangle to check for intersection
collisionVec[OUT] A vector pointing from the rectangle to the circle in the direction of the collision. May be NULL.
true if the shapes intersect or touch, false if they do not

◆ circleLineFlIntersection()

bool circleLineFlIntersection ( circleFl_t circle,
lineFl_t line,
bool checkEnds,
vecFl_t * cpOnLine,
vecFl_t * collisionVec )

Check if a circle and a line intersect.

Adapted from https://www.jeffreythompson.org/collision-detection/line-circle.php

circle[IN] A circle to test intersection
line[IN] A line to test intersection
checkEnds[IN] True to check the points at the end of the line, false to ignore them
cpOnLine[OUT] The closest point on the line to the circle
collisionVec[OUT] A vector pointing from the line to the circle in the direction of the collision. This may be NULL.
true if the circle intersects the line, false if it doesn't

◆ circleLineFlIntersectionPoints()

int16_t circleLineFlIntersectionPoints ( circleFl_t circle,
lineFl_t line,
vecFl_t * intersection_1,
vecFl_t * intersection_2 )

Find the points of intersection between a circle's circumference and a line. There may be zero (no intersection), one (tangent), or two points of intersection.

See https://cp-algorithms.com/geometry/circle-line-intersection.html

circle[IN] The circle to check for intersection
line[IN] The line to check for intersection
intersection_1[OUT] If it exists, the first intersection will be written to this pointer
intersection_2[OUT] If it exists, the second intersection will be written to this pointer
The number of intersections, between 0 and 2. intersection_1 is filled before intersection_2.

◆ lineLineFlIntersection()

bool lineLineFlIntersection ( lineFl_t a,
lineFl_t b )

Check if two lines intersect.

Adapted from https://www.jeffreythompson.org/collision-detection/line-line.php

a[IN] One line to check for intersection
b[IN] Another line to check for intersection
true if the lines intersect, false if they do not

◆ infLineIntersectionPoint()

vecFl_t infLineIntersectionPoint ( lineFl_t a,
lineFl_t b )

Find the intersection point between two infinitely long lines.

aOne infinitely long line
bAnother infinitely long line
The intersection, or (FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX) for parallel lines

◆ rectLineFlIntersection()

bool rectLineFlIntersection ( rectangleFl_t rect,
lineFl_t line,
vecFl_t * collisionVec )

Check if a line intersects with a rectangle.

Adapted from https://www.jeffreythompson.org/collision-detection/line-rect.php

rect[IN] A rectangle to check for intersection
line[IN] A line to check for intersection
collisionVec[OUT] A vector pointing from the rectangle to the line in the direction of the collision. May be NULL.
true if the line intersects the rectangle, false if it doesn't