Swadge 2024 2.0.0
APIs to develop games for the Magfest Swadge
No Matches
touchTextEntry.h File Reference

Detailed Description

Design Philosophy

The text entry utility provides a minimal interface for editing a single line of text of unlimited length. The entered text is kept in an internal buffer that automatically grows if needed. The string is returned via a callback, and should be copied to an external buffer with strncpy() or strdup() for later access.

Characters can be selected using either touchpad spins or up and down on the D-pad. Once selected, a character can be confirmed and entered with the A button. The B button erases the previous charater, and the left and right arrows move the cursor within the text. The right arrow will also create one space if used at the end of the text. The pause button confirms the text entry and calls the callback.


The text entry was made as generic as possible to enable using it in various modes. The only thing it draws to the screen is the text and, optionally, a box around the text area's bounds. When the text entry is being used, the mode should pass all button input to the text entry until the callback is called. The text entry provides support for allowing certain sets of characters individually, or for combined multiple classes by performing a logical OR of values in textEntryCharMask_t. The classes that can be used are:

  • Uppercase Letters
  • Lowercase Letters
  • Numbers
  • Whitespace
  • Symbols, which includes everything not covered by the other categories


typedef struct {
textEntry_t* textEntry;
font_t font;
char* textData;
} modeData_t;
static modeData_t* modeData;
void textEntryCb(const char* text, void* data)
ESP_LOGI("Text", "Text entered was %s!", text);
modeData_t* mode = (modeData_t*) data;
if (mode->textData != NULL)
mode->textData = strdup(text);
void setup(void)
modeData = calloc(1, sizeof(modeData_t));
// Setup function
uint16_t entryW = 160;
uint16_t entryH = 16;
uint16_t entryX = (TFT_WIDTH - entryW) / 2;
uint16_t entryY = (TFT_HEIGHT - entryH) / 2;
loadFont("ibm_vga8.font", &modeData->font);
modeData->textEntry = initTextEntry(entryX, entryY, entryW, entryH, &font, ENTRY_ALPHANUM, textEntryCb);
// If needed, a data pointer can be set that will be passed back to the callback
textEntrySetData(textEntry, &modeData);
void cleanUp(void)
if (modeData->textData != NULL)
// Main loop
void mainLoop(int64_t elapsedUs)
// Handle buttons for text entry
textEntryButton(textEntry, &evt);
// Handle touchpad, button repeating, and other logic
textEntryMainLoop(textEntry, elapsedUs);
// Draw the text entry with a white background, black text, and a box around the text itself
drawTextEntry(textEntry, c000, c555, true);
A font is a collection of font_ch_t for all ASCII characters. Each character has the same height and ...
Definition font.h:66
void freeFont(font_t *font)
Free the memory allocated for a font.
Definition fs_font.c:88
bool loadFont(const char *name, font_t *font, bool spiRam)
Load a font from ROM to RAM. Fonts are bitmapped image files that have a single height,...
Definition fs_font.c:31
A button event containing the button that triggered the event, whether it was pressed or released,...
Definition hdw-btn.h:117
@ c555
r = 5, g = 5, b = 5
Definition palette.h:239
@ c000
r = 0, g = 0, b = 0
Definition palette.h:24
bool checkButtonQueueWrapper(buttonEvt_t *evt)
Service the queue of button events that caused interrupts This only returns a single event,...
Definition swadge2024.c:740
void textEntryMainLoop(textEntry_t *textEntry, int64_t elapsedUs)
Update timer logic and handle touchpad for a text entry.
Definition touchTextEntry.c:413
void textEntryButton(textEntry_t *textEntry, const buttonEvt_t *evt)
Handle a button event for a text entry to modify the text or confirm entry.
Definition touchTextEntry.c:501
textEntry_t * initTextEntry(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t w, uint16_t length, const font_t *font, textEntryCharMask_t mask, textEntryCb cbFn)
Allocate and return a new text entry. The text entry must be freed with freeTextEntry()
Definition touchTextEntry.c:322
void drawTextEntry(textEntry_t *textEntry, paletteColor_t fg, paletteColor_t bg, bool drawBox)
Draw a text entry box.
Definition touchTextEntry.c:656
void freeTextEntry(textEntry_t *textEntry)
Frees any memory associated with a text entry.
Definition touchTextEntry.c:356
void textEntrySetData(textEntry_t *textEntry, void *data)
Sets the data pointer to be passed along to the callback function.
Definition touchTextEntry.c:368
void(* textEntryCb)(const char *text, void *data)
A callback which is called once text entry is complete.
Definition touchTextEntry.h:144
Mask for allowing uppercase and lowercase alphabet, and numbers.
Definition touchTextEntry.h:132
Struct to store all state for a text entry.
Definition touchTextEntry.h:151

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  textEntry_t
 Struct to store all state for a text entry. More...


 Mask for allowing uppercase and lowercase alphabet.
 Mask for allowing uppercase and lowercase alphabet, and numbers.
 Mask for allowing any characters except whitespace.
 Mask for allowing all printable characters.


typedef void(* textEntryCb) (const char *text, void *data)
 A callback which is called once text entry is complete.


enum  textEntryCharMask_t {
 Bitmask enum for specifying which classes of characters may be entered. More...


textEntry_tinitTextEntry (uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint16_t w, uint16_t length, const font_t *font, textEntryCharMask_t mask, textEntryCb cbFn)
 Allocate and return a new text entry. The text entry must be freed with freeTextEntry()
void freeTextEntry (textEntry_t *textEntry)
 Frees any memory associated with a text entry.
void textEntrySetData (textEntry_t *textEntry, void *data)
 Sets the data pointer to be passed along to the callback function.
void textEntrySetText (textEntry_t *textEntry, const char *text)
 Copy the given text into the text entry, replacing any text that was there and moving the cursor to the end of the new text.
void textEntryMainLoop (textEntry_t *textEntry, int64_t elapsedUs)
 Update timer logic and handle touchpad for a text entry.
void textEntryButton (textEntry_t *textEntry, const buttonEvt_t *evt)
 Handle a button event for a text entry to modify the text or confirm entry.
void drawTextEntry (textEntry_t *textEntry, paletteColor_t fg, paletteColor_t bg, bool drawBox)
 Draw a text entry box.

Data Structure Documentation

◆ textEntry_t

struct textEntry_t
Data Fields
char * value The buffer holding the actual entered text value. Can be accessed as a string.
uint16_t size The total size of the dynamic text buffer.
uint16_t cursor The position of the cursor.
bool overtype Whether the cursor will operate in overtype mode instead of insert mode.
bool pendingChar Whether a to-be-entered character should be shown.
char cur The current character pending addition at the cursor, when pendingChar is true.
bool blinkState Boolean value to keep track of whether the blinking cursor is shown.
int64_t blinkTimer The number of nanoseconds remaining before the blink state changes.
uint16_t minLength The minimum length of text that will be accepted.
uint16_t maxLength The maximum length of text allowed, or 0 for no limit.
textEntryCharMask_t mask The mask of character types that are allowed.
touchSpinState_t spinState Struct to track the state of the touchpad for spins.
char spinCharStart The selected character at the start of the touchpad spin.
buttonBit_t heldButton The button that is currently being held, or 0 if none.
int64_t repeatTimer The number of nanoseconds remaining before the held button repeats.
uint16_t offset The first character to be drawn on-screen, if the whole value doesn't fit.
uint16_t x The X position of the text entry box.
uint16_t y The Y position of the text entry box.
uint16_t w The width of the text entry box.
const font_t * font The font to use for text entry.
void * data A pointer to be passed back into the callback.
textEntryCb cbFn The function to call when the text entry is completed.

Macro Definition Documentation



Mask for allowing uppercase and lowercase alphabet.



Mask for allowing uppercase and lowercase alphabet, and numbers.


Mask for allowing any characters except whitespace.


Mask for allowing all printable characters.

Typedef Documentation

◆ textEntryCb

typedef void(* textEntryCb) (const char *text, void *data)

A callback which is called once text entry is complete.

textThe final text value. This value should be copied if it will be saved.
dataThe void pointer passed to textEntrySetData(), or NULL if no data was set

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ textEntryCharMask_t

Bitmask enum for specifying which classes of characters may be entered.

Any of these values may be combined with a bitwise OR to allow multiple classes.


Mask for allowing uppercase alphabet characters.


Mask for allowing lowercase alphabet characters.


Mask for allowing numeric characters.


Mask for allowing symbol characters (printable, non-alphanumeric, and non-whitespace)


Mask for allowing whitespace characters (space)

Function Documentation

◆ initTextEntry()

textEntry_t * initTextEntry ( uint16_t x,
uint16_t y,
uint16_t w,
uint16_t length,
const font_t * font,
textEntryCharMask_t mask,
textEntryCb cbFn )

Allocate and return a new text entry. The text entry must be freed with freeTextEntry()

xThe X coordinate of the left edge of the text box
yThe Y coordinate of the top of the text box
wThe width of the text box, in pixels
lengthThe maximum text length, or 0 for no limit
fontThe font to use when drawing the text entry
maskThe mask of allowable character types, or 0 for all characters
cbFnThe function to call once text entry is complete

◆ freeTextEntry()

void freeTextEntry ( textEntry_t * textEntry)

Frees any memory associated with a text entry.

textEntryThe text entry to be deallocated

◆ textEntrySetData()

void textEntrySetData ( textEntry_t * textEntry,
void * data )

Sets the data pointer to be passed along to the callback function.

textEntryThe text entry to update the data for
dataThe void pointer to be passed when the callback is called

◆ textEntrySetText()

void textEntrySetText ( textEntry_t * textEntry,
const char * text )

Copy the given text into the text entry, replacing any text that was there and moving the cursor to the end of the new text.

textEntryThe text entry to update the text for
textThe text to set as the text entry's value

◆ textEntryMainLoop()

void textEntryMainLoop ( textEntry_t * textEntry,
int64_t elapsedUs )

Update timer logic and handle touchpad for a text entry.

textEntryThe text entry to update
elapsedUsThe number of nanoseconds elapsed since the last call

◆ textEntryButton()

void textEntryButton ( textEntry_t * textEntry,
const buttonEvt_t * evt )

Handle a button event for a text entry to modify the text or confirm entry.

textEntryThe text entry to handle the button event
evtA pointer to the button event to be handled

◆ drawTextEntry()

void drawTextEntry ( textEntry_t * textEntry,
paletteColor_t fg,
paletteColor_t bg,
bool drawBox )

Draw a text entry box.

textEntryThe text entry to draw
fgThe color to use for drawing text and "more" dots
bgThe color to use for drawing inverted text and, if drawBox is enabled, the background
drawBoxWhether to fill the text entry box area's background